Service, Assignments and Rates

Services provided is Interim Management related and Strategic Sourcing of high tech or infrastructure solutions, as well as Assignments as  combination of them.


Interim Management

Intermin service can be split into three main areas:

  • Interim leadership for a specific assignment. It could be turn around assignment, establish new organisation, processes, basically leading change with digitalisation initiatives within an organisation.
  • Interim resources typical roles are sustaining and developing organisation and people. For examples temporarily replacing line managers during vacancies, leave, recruitment processes.
  • Interim consulting driving complex program & projects activities as well as caring out management consulting related work.
Strategic Sourcing

Souring and procurement services includes:

  • Leading complex sourcing projects
  • Acting as head of sourcing units, establish new procurement units and implementing digital processes
  • Driving strategic sourcing, supplier development and/or category management related activities

Return on Investment (RoI) for sourcing service can easily be measures in the light of cost reduction and cost avoidance. The pay-back time for this service is short and the financial value is high.


Since the interim leader will be embedded in the organisation, its important to discuss the expected outcome and balanced between short and long term needs since different types of assignments have differ pre-requisite.


Some example of interim leadership assignments are to lead classic re-organisation, implementation of new way of working and building new competence capabilities.

Often people leave organisation and the interim leaders is brought in to ensure leadership and workforce continuity for an organisation with minimum disruption.

There are also situations were organisation simply need other capabilities and stronger leadership to execute strategic plans in order to deliver tangible result.



Interims Managers are paid on a hourly or daily rates, if not otherwise agreed. The rates should be view in the light of:

  • Interim leaders are highly experience leaders and they bring experience of leading units, departments or projects, often with responsibility for people and budgets of millions.
  • They are used to operate in a line or project organisations.
  • Interim Managers operate straight forward, focusing on deliverables based or their insight. They dare to challenge status quo and they will operate aside or as close from the the politics and hierarchy of an organisation as the assignment requires.
  • Due to Interim leaders experience they provide value very quickly, so long introduction programs are not really necessary.